Jeb Bush Sees Rising Star in Wisconsin Governor's Race
Republican Scott Walker Touts 'Brown Bag' Approach to Government
May 12, 2010
Wisconsin Republicans have yet to nominate a candidate for governor. Indeed, the state's primary is not until Sept. 14. But two national GOP heavyweights -- former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich -- are bullish on the prospects of Scott Walker, the self-described, brown-bag-packing county executive of Milwaukee.
"The guy is a fantastic candidate," Bush said. "The event that we did together, he gave a stump speech that sounded like it was the last three days of the campaign. I mean, he was on fire. It was, it was, he's the real deal."
The Wisconsin governor's race is one of the 2010 contests that could have implications in the 2012 White House race. Much more so than senators, governors tend to command the kind of state political machinery that can make a difference in a presidential contest.
ABC News 2010 Election Map: Follow the House, Senate and Governors' Races
Although President Obama carried the state by 14 points over John McCain in 2008, the state was a major battleground in 2004 when John Kerry won the state by 1 percent and in 2000 when Al Gore carried the state by less than 1 percent, a mere 5,708 votes.
Walker, 42, has put anecdotes about his personal frugality at the center of his campaign. In all his campaign messaging, he touts himself as someone who "drives a 1998 Saturn with 100,000 miles on it" and who "packs the same brown-bag lunch before heading to the office to save money: two ham and cheese sandwiches on wheat with mayo."
His first television ad touted that he has given back $370,000 in salary over eight years because he thought it was wrong for the county executive to be paid more than the state's governor.
"My wife was like, 'We're doing what?'" Walker said in his first television ad. "But we believe that government spends too much and that included my salary."
Making political hay out of the lunch that he packs for himself, Walker has branded his events around the state as part of a "Brown Bag Movement" that has three tenets: (1) "don't spend more than you have"; (2) "smaller government is better government"; and (3) "people create jobs, not government."
Walker's movement has a website that includes images of brown paper bags with pointed messages on them such as, "I'd be eating out if the government wasn't gobbling up all my money." Another message is, "We spent $780 billion on a stimulus plan and all I got was this brown bag."
Walker: 'Hard to Digest' All Newt Gingrich's E-Mails
During a recent fundraising trip to Washington, D.C., Walker talked to ABC News about the hands-on approach that Gingrich has taken toward his candidacy.
"Newt, my gosh, Newt must e-mail me like every other day, sometimes, I think, with new ideas," Walker said. "Sometimes, it's hard to digest it all."
One part of Walker's appeal to Republican bigwigs is his Milwaukee base. If Walker outperforms the typical Republican in Milwaukee, he said, he believes that traditional Republican strength in more rural parts of the state will power him to victory in November.
"The year I got 60 percent, Obama took two-thirds of the vote in my county," Walker said. "We're going to run to win in Milwaukee County, but if I get, say, 45 percent, it's over."
Another part of Walker's appeal to Republicans is his fiscal record in Milwaukee. The size of the government workforce is down 23 percent from where it was in 2002 and the county debt is down by 10 percent, he said.
Democrats have responded to Walker's "Brown Bag Movement" with their own "Bag Scott Walker" campaign. Walker's critics are eager to use Jeb Bush's support to tie the Wisconsin Republican to the economic record of Jeb Bush's brother, former President George W. Bush.
"Wisconsin cannot afford another Bush recession, which is just what Scott Walker would bring us," Michael Tate, the executive director of the Wisconsin Democratic Party, said.
Jeb Bush Has Endorsed Other GOP Hopefuls
Walker is also being criticized by Democrats for spending lavishly on the meals associated with campaign fundraising. A March analysis by the Associated Press ran under the headline, "Walker Meals Aren't Always 'Brown Bag.'"
"The campaign's bills for Walker's meals, campaign meetings that included meals for Walker, his staff and others, and food and drinks for fundraising events amount to at least $24,500 since mid-2008," the A.P. wrote.
"By contrast, the campaigns of his GOP primary rival Mark Neumann and Democratic opponent Tom Barrett spent some money on food and drinks for fundraisers but virtually nothing on meals for themselves and their campaign meetings. Both entered the race later than Walker."
Bush, who met Walker last year at a meeting of the Republican Governors Association in Sun Valley, Idaho, said he believes Walker's track record in Wisconsin's most populous county gives his "brown bag" message credibility.
"There are symbols in campaigns and then there are gimmicks," Bush said. "This is a symbol because he's proven he's a thrifty, frugal man. He lives his life in a way, in the way he's served as county executive. So, it's a good connection to how he would serve as governor because he's already done it."
Walker is one of five Republicans whom Bush is backing in competitive gubernatorial primaries: the others are former eBay CEO Meg Whitman in California, former state Sen. Bradley Byrne in Alabama, Attorney General Tom Corbett in Pennsylvania and Attorney General Bill McCollum in Florida.
When endorsing a gubernatorial candidate in a competitive GOP primary, Bush said he looks for someone who is committed to education reform. He also looks for conservative change agents.
"The duty of a leader is to change the way things work if they don't work," Bush said. "And a lot of things aren't working these days."
ABC News' Matt Loffman contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2010 ABC News Internet Ventures
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Scott Walker
Here are some of what Scott Walker has done.....
Reduced the county workforce by more than 20%
Lowered the county debt by 10%
Introduced 8 consecutive budgets without an increase to the property tax levy from the previous year.
Improved the county's bond rating
Milwaukee County Parks won the prestigious 2009 National Gold Medal for Excellence in the Park and Recreation Management Program
Eliminated the waiting list for long-term care for older adults through the Family Care program.
Milwaukee County's Mitchell International Airport received the Transportation Safety Administration's Partnership Award.
Invested over $199 million dollars in renovations and improvements to General Mitchell International Airport without increasing the property tax levy
Airport improvements helped attract nearly 1,000 jobs from Southwest, Air Tran and Republic airlines.
Implemented a pension obligation plan to save Milwaukee County taxpayers $ 237 million
In addition, Scott and Tonette Walker have given $370,000 back to the taxpayers over the past eight years
Reduced the county workforce by more than 20%
Lowered the county debt by 10%
Introduced 8 consecutive budgets without an increase to the property tax levy from the previous year.
Improved the county's bond rating
Milwaukee County Parks won the prestigious 2009 National Gold Medal for Excellence in the Park and Recreation Management Program
Eliminated the waiting list for long-term care for older adults through the Family Care program.
Milwaukee County's Mitchell International Airport received the Transportation Safety Administration's Partnership Award.
Invested over $199 million dollars in renovations and improvements to General Mitchell International Airport without increasing the property tax levy
Airport improvements helped attract nearly 1,000 jobs from Southwest, Air Tran and Republic airlines.
Implemented a pension obligation plan to save Milwaukee County taxpayers $ 237 million
In addition, Scott and Tonette Walker have given $370,000 back to the taxpayers over the past eight years
Chad Lee vs Peter Theron
From the Chad Lee Camp
Please read the following email and see comments below
May 2010
Dear Friends,
It’s been a busy spring at campaign headquarters!
Chad has been meeting with families and businesses across Wisconsin's 2nd Congressional District. The message he's hearing is consistent and clear: Folks are tired of Tammy Baldwin’s do-nothing, even counter-productive approach to representation, especially on jobs and the economy. People have expressed a need for an advocate that will fight to get Wisconsin back to work and America back on solid economic footing. Chad wants to be that advocate, and we've been working hard on our goal of getting him to Washington to help restore fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free market solutions.
From Wisconsin Dells to Beloit, Mt. Horeb to Lake Mills, and everywhere in between, support for the Chad Lee campaign in Wisconsin's 2nd District continues to grow!
We now have a tremendous campus footprint at universities and colleges throughout the district. Young people are getting solidly on board to support a candidate they know will bring REAL change to Washington. In addition, business owners from both large corporations to family-run corner shops continue to join us in fighting the Baldwin-Pelosi-Obama agenda.
Each month the polls also deliver encouraging news. We’re gaining ground against Tammy Baldwin.
But despite this swell of support, we still count on you to get involved as a concerned citizen. Your contribution of $1000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or even $1 will help us send Tammy Baldwin home for good and end more than a decade of her ineffectiveness.
With your help, Chad Lee will become this district's Congressman, fighting to protect the Constitution and our economic future.
Support Chad Lee's campaign for Congress on Facebook at: and Twitter at:
Please read the following email and see comments below
May 2010
Dear Friends,
It’s been a busy spring at campaign headquarters!
Chad has been meeting with families and businesses across Wisconsin's 2nd Congressional District. The message he's hearing is consistent and clear: Folks are tired of Tammy Baldwin’s do-nothing, even counter-productive approach to representation, especially on jobs and the economy. People have expressed a need for an advocate that will fight to get Wisconsin back to work and America back on solid economic footing. Chad wants to be that advocate, and we've been working hard on our goal of getting him to Washington to help restore fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free market solutions.
From Wisconsin Dells to Beloit, Mt. Horeb to Lake Mills, and everywhere in between, support for the Chad Lee campaign in Wisconsin's 2nd District continues to grow!
We now have a tremendous campus footprint at universities and colleges throughout the district. Young people are getting solidly on board to support a candidate they know will bring REAL change to Washington. In addition, business owners from both large corporations to family-run corner shops continue to join us in fighting the Baldwin-Pelosi-Obama agenda.
Each month the polls also deliver encouraging news. We’re gaining ground against Tammy Baldwin.
But despite this swell of support, we still count on you to get involved as a concerned citizen. Your contribution of $1000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or even $1 will help us send Tammy Baldwin home for good and end more than a decade of her ineffectiveness.
With your help, Chad Lee will become this district's Congressman, fighting to protect the Constitution and our economic future.
Support Chad Lee's campaign for Congress on Facebook at: and Twitter at:
Sounds pretty good doesn't it? Woo hoo for Chad. (golf clap) Lets pat him on the back. Nice regurgitation, did you think of that on your own? While using generalities he doesn't actually have any solutions. This is all just fluff. This is suppose to be an update on a campaign that has been in effect for several months. Has he stated any actual action or ways to get people to work? Yeah I want to get people to work too. Even Tammy Balwin, who he is trying to beat, is using the same rhetoric the rest of the country is using. Where are his plans and details?
Lets look at why possibly their are no plans. Plain and simple he has none. His lack of life experience makes him not fully understand the mangitude of the sitution. As oppose to his primary opponent Dr. Peter Theron. With his PhD in mathemathics he is the perfect canidate to not only understand fully the problem, but solve it. To understand his plan go to his website to see how he really wants to change our country. His mention of small business is emphazed greatly. Yes of course it is due to him having a cleaning company, which he touts as his experience to lead our country. As much as I think that small business is important, let us not forget who employee a very large percentage of America, large business. Who also needs tax incentives and consideration when talking about tax, ecomony and health which he fails to mention. Currently working for a large company I see the impact of the tax hell and regulation of the current goverment, watching 50 of my closest friends in my office no longer have a job. Here are a few of large corp he fails to mention Walmart, Best Buy, Target, Macys, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, Harly Davison who recently mentioned downsizing, Safeway, Humana, United Health care, Blue Cross Blue Shield, GE, Ford, the list goes on and on for larger corp who are impacted but he seems to only care about small businesses who most problems lie in state goverment. Oh and on a side note he does not come down onthe issue of abortion. Teabow would be proud. Don't think he will get his endorsement.
So congratutions Chad on getting the campus kids helping out on your campaign I am sure they will do you proud.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Mark Neuman illegal practices
Yesterday, a formal complaint was filed Wisconsin Government Accountability Board because of illegal, misleading phone calls being paid for by Mr. Neumann’s campaign to the convention delegates of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.
Since Saturday, Mr. Neumann’s campaign has been calling delegates supporting Scott Walker pretending to be the Wisconsin Republican Party. After lying about their identity, Neumann’s callers then tried to pressure Scott’s supporters against endorsing Scott during the Wisconsin State convention by quoting from a largely ignored poll that doesn’t even rely on registered voters. Lying about your identity on political phone calls is illegal, and so far over 40 delegates have already come forward with a similar story. Neumann has admitted making the calls.
Since this past summer, Mark Neumann has threatened to run as an independent if grassroots activists didn’t cease in their support of Scott. He has made a similar threat to a member of our Congressional delegation. Maybe he hopes our elected officials and party leaders can be bullied and threatened. He is dead wrong.
Unfortunately, these are not isolated incidents. A few weeks ago emails sent by Neumann’s campaign spread the ludicrous lie that Scott was going to drop out of the race for governor. When Neumann tried to backtrack on the emails and blame staff, reporters caught him in a lie - saying they were told similar rumors by Neumann himself! The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Radio Talk Show Host Charlie Sykes reported on the story.
The Neumann campaign has already spent $1 Million of Neumann’s personal wealth in this race, and he has little to show for it. Scott continues to maintain a commanding double digit lead in the primary and poll after poll shows he is the strongest candidate against Tom Barrett.
After ignoring the vast majority of Lincoln Day dinners, Party functions, and grassroots volunteers, Mark Neumann is realizing he doesn’t have a leg to stand on and he’s getting desperate. His response has been dirty campaign tricks to try to stop the groundswell of grassroots supporters, like you, that are rallying around Scott Walker.
Don’t let the antics of the Neumann campaign distract from the greatest opportunity we’ve had in nearly a decade to take back our government. Show him it takes more than money, lies and threats to earn your loyalty.
Together we have built the strongest grassroots campaign in Wisconsin history. Next month at the state convention we can all unite and endorse a proven leader. With one voice we can tell Wisconsin that Republican’s are ready to lead with Scott Walker as Wisconsin’s next Governor
Since Saturday, Mr. Neumann’s campaign has been calling delegates supporting Scott Walker pretending to be the Wisconsin Republican Party. After lying about their identity, Neumann’s callers then tried to pressure Scott’s supporters against endorsing Scott during the Wisconsin State convention by quoting from a largely ignored poll that doesn’t even rely on registered voters. Lying about your identity on political phone calls is illegal, and so far over 40 delegates have already come forward with a similar story. Neumann has admitted making the calls.
Since this past summer, Mark Neumann has threatened to run as an independent if grassroots activists didn’t cease in their support of Scott. He has made a similar threat to a member of our Congressional delegation. Maybe he hopes our elected officials and party leaders can be bullied and threatened. He is dead wrong.
Unfortunately, these are not isolated incidents. A few weeks ago emails sent by Neumann’s campaign spread the ludicrous lie that Scott was going to drop out of the race for governor. When Neumann tried to backtrack on the emails and blame staff, reporters caught him in a lie - saying they were told similar rumors by Neumann himself! The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Radio Talk Show Host Charlie Sykes reported on the story.
The Neumann campaign has already spent $1 Million of Neumann’s personal wealth in this race, and he has little to show for it. Scott continues to maintain a commanding double digit lead in the primary and poll after poll shows he is the strongest candidate against Tom Barrett.
After ignoring the vast majority of Lincoln Day dinners, Party functions, and grassroots volunteers, Mark Neumann is realizing he doesn’t have a leg to stand on and he’s getting desperate. His response has been dirty campaign tricks to try to stop the groundswell of grassroots supporters, like you, that are rallying around Scott Walker.
Don’t let the antics of the Neumann campaign distract from the greatest opportunity we’ve had in nearly a decade to take back our government. Show him it takes more than money, lies and threats to earn your loyalty.
Together we have built the strongest grassroots campaign in Wisconsin history. Next month at the state convention we can all unite and endorse a proven leader. With one voice we can tell Wisconsin that Republican’s are ready to lead with Scott Walker as Wisconsin’s next Governor
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Dick Cheney endorses Rubio in Florida Senate race
2 hrs 39 mins ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Thursday endorsed Republican Marco Rubio in Florida's U.S. Senate race and coupled his announcement with sharp criticism of Rubio's competitor, Governor Charlie Crist.
As conservative favorite Rubio picks up momentum before the August 31 primary, support for Crist has been dropping in the Republican Party to the extent that the Florida governor has been contemplating whether to run as an independent.
Cheney, in a statement issued by the Rubio campaign, said Crist has shown "time and again that he cannot be trusted in Washington to take on the Obama agenda because on issue after issue he actually supports that agenda."
"Lately it seems Charlie Crist cannot be trusted even to remain a Republican. I strongly urge him to either stay in the Republican primary or drop out of the race. The only winners from an independent bid by Crist would be (President) Barack Obama and (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid," Cheney said.
A Rasmussen poll last week said Rubio leads Crist among likely Republican voters by 57 percent to 28 percent.
Crist was once considered the establishment candidate and front-runner for the Republican nomination to face the likely Democratic nominee, Kendrick Meek. Rubio's challenge was driven by strong support from the party's conservative wing.
More than a third of the Senate's 100 seats are up for grabs in November congressional elections in which Republicans hope to reduce the Democrats' strong majorities in the Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.
Rubio also picked up the endorsement this week of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who is weighing a bid to run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
(Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Doina Chiacu)
2 hrs 39 mins ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Thursday endorsed Republican Marco Rubio in Florida's U.S. Senate race and coupled his announcement with sharp criticism of Rubio's competitor, Governor Charlie Crist.
As conservative favorite Rubio picks up momentum before the August 31 primary, support for Crist has been dropping in the Republican Party to the extent that the Florida governor has been contemplating whether to run as an independent.
Cheney, in a statement issued by the Rubio campaign, said Crist has shown "time and again that he cannot be trusted in Washington to take on the Obama agenda because on issue after issue he actually supports that agenda."
"Lately it seems Charlie Crist cannot be trusted even to remain a Republican. I strongly urge him to either stay in the Republican primary or drop out of the race. The only winners from an independent bid by Crist would be (President) Barack Obama and (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid," Cheney said.
A Rasmussen poll last week said Rubio leads Crist among likely Republican voters by 57 percent to 28 percent.
Crist was once considered the establishment candidate and front-runner for the Republican nomination to face the likely Democratic nominee, Kendrick Meek. Rubio's challenge was driven by strong support from the party's conservative wing.
More than a third of the Senate's 100 seats are up for grabs in November congressional elections in which Republicans hope to reduce the Democrats' strong majorities in the Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.
Rubio also picked up the endorsement this week of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who is weighing a bid to run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
(Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Doina Chiacu)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sean Duffy

For Immediate Release: April 20, 2010
Contact: Matt Seaholm (715) 203-1299 or
Duffy Launches “Hometown Jobs Creation Tour” Today
7th District Candidate Kicks Off Effort to Revitalize Northern Wisconsin Economy
[Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.] Citing the economic concerns in central and northern Wisconsin and double-digit unemployment throughout the Congressional District he is running for, Ashland County District Attorney Sean Duffy is launching a “Hometown Jobs Creation Tour.”
Over the next several weeks, Duffy will be touring local businesses, talking with job creators and employees about the best ways for their leaders to help them create jobs. The district-wide tour begins today in Wisconsin Rapids at Golden Eagle Log Homes.
“The concern for many families is not only the jobs we’ve lost, but whether we are going to lose more. We need to turn things around and bigger government is not the way to do it,” Duffy said. “Dave Obey’s plan has been to spend our way out of this recession. His stimulus bill spent $787 billion, increasing our debt and deficit. My question is, ‘Where are the results?’”
Wisconsin has ranked among the hardest-hit states in the nation when it comes to job loss. Recording a record number of mass layoffs and more businesses closing than in any other state in the Midwest. The average unemployment within the 7th Congressional District is 10.27%, more than a half percent higher than the national average. Seven of the ten Wisconsin counties with the highest unemployment rate are within the 7th District as well.
“Dave Obey was given the biggest test of his career. Write a bill that will create jobs and stimulate our economy. With the continued unemployment in this district and all of the families who are still looking for work. If you had to give him a grade, I’m not sure how it could be anything other than an ‘F,’ Duffy said.
“The key to job creation lies with the people of Wisconsin, not in Washington. You cannot create more government regulations and increase taxes and expect jobs to magically appear. You have to allow employers and their workers the opportunity to grow their businesses by getting out of the way instead of telling them what to do.”
Duffy’s business visits will include businesses ranging in size and spanning the spectrum of industries. He expects to hit more than a dozen businesses in the coming weeks and will continue to meet with employers and their employees throughout the campaign.
{{Those who interested in participating in the tour or would like Sean to visit a business in your area, please contact the campaign at (715) 203-1299 or}}
Monday, April 19, 2010
Some reasons why I choose Rebecca Kleefisch for Lt Gov WI
By Jessi
In Wisconsin we have several Lt Gov candidates. We have Brett Davis, David Ross, Ben Collins and Rebecca Kleefisch. My personal choice is Rebecca Kleefisch. From now till the primary, which is in Sept, I will giving you several reason to love Rebecca as much as I do. Rebecca's tag line is Rebecca for Real. Although I do think she is the most for real candidate I think you could say that Rebecca Right Now is another very good description for who she is and what she wants to accomplish.
My first reason for loving Rebecca is that she will do to get it done. Wisconsin is in dire straits and when Scott Walker becomes Gov, he is going to need a lot of help getting Wisconsin on the right track. After Walker repeals tax increases, combined reporting, regulation who I ask, is going to get the businesses back to Wisconsin?
Rebecca that is who. Having sat down with her and talking about this, it is clear that she has big ideas and even bigger plans on how to get it done. Her marketing background will be crucial to this. Her investigating background shows her drive and passion and one thing I have learned with getting to know her she doesn't do anything half way. You want business back in Wisconsin well Rebecca is your LT Gov.
This is just the start of my reasons for picking Rebecca...............
In Wisconsin we have several Lt Gov candidates. We have Brett Davis, David Ross, Ben Collins and Rebecca Kleefisch. My personal choice is Rebecca Kleefisch. From now till the primary, which is in Sept, I will giving you several reason to love Rebecca as much as I do. Rebecca's tag line is Rebecca for Real. Although I do think she is the most for real candidate I think you could say that Rebecca Right Now is another very good description for who she is and what she wants to accomplish.
In 2009, with kids out of diapers, Becky was frustrated watching her beloved Wisconsin being wrecked by liberal tax-and-spenders. Combining her TV background and political junkie tendencies, Becky started a video blog, embedded once a week on “Sykes Writes”, a widely read conservative Wisconsin blog. Shortly after, she snagged a regular seat as a conservative pundit on “Sunday Insight”- a political talk show.-
Banking on her experience in marketing and messaging and her love of politics, people started suggesting it might be time for a mom with some kitchen table common sense to lead
My first reason for loving Rebecca is that she will do to get it done. Wisconsin is in dire straits and when Scott Walker becomes Gov, he is going to need a lot of help getting Wisconsin on the right track. After Walker repeals tax increases, combined reporting, regulation who I ask, is going to get the businesses back to Wisconsin?
Rebecca that is who. Having sat down with her and talking about this, it is clear that she has big ideas and even bigger plans on how to get it done. Her marketing background will be crucial to this. Her investigating background shows her drive and passion and one thing I have learned with getting to know her she doesn't do anything half way. You want business back in Wisconsin well Rebecca is your LT Gov.
This is just the start of my reasons for picking Rebecca...............
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Marco Rubio
04.17.10 Governor Mitt Romney Endorses Marco Rubio For U.S. Senate
“From his humble beginnings as the son of working-class Cuban exiles, Marco Rubio’s meteoric rise – first to Florida Speaker of the House, and now to a candidate for the U.S. Senate – is the embodiment of the American Dream. While I respect Governor Crist, Marco Rubio’s proven record of conservative, principled, and idea-driven leadership is what Florida needs now. Marco Rubio will be a reliable spokesman against the Washington culture of higher spending, higher taxes and higher debt. I am delighted to endorse his campaign and look forward to the contributions he will make in the U.S. Senate,” said Governor Romney.
“From his humble beginnings as the son of working-class Cuban exiles, Marco Rubio’s meteoric rise – first to Florida Speaker of the House, and now to a candidate for the U.S. Senate – is the embodiment of the American Dream. While I respect Governor Crist, Marco Rubio’s proven record of conservative, principled, and idea-driven leadership is what Florida needs now. Marco Rubio will be a reliable spokesman against the Washington culture of higher spending, higher taxes and higher debt. I am delighted to endorse his campaign and look forward to the contributions he will make in the U.S. Senate,” said Governor Romney.
Scott Waker on Gov Doyle
Scott Walker Statement on Governor Doyle’s Education Proposals
April 12, 2010
Wauwatosa – Scott Walker, Milwaukee County executive and candidate for governor, today released to the following statement after the announcement by Governor Doyle that he is putting forth yet another plan to address the failing Milwaukee Public Schools.“Without real standards of accountability for our teachers, we risk losing another generation of children in a broken school system. As father to two high school sons in public schools in Wauwatosa, I’ve seen the good work of teachers and administrators. I know that MPS has many highly dedicated professionals, and it’s time to reward the good teachers, instead of protecting those who are failing our kids.”
Any education reform proposals put forward should do the following:
Must be developed in conjunction with the community. Parental involvement in any reform is the key to success.
Allow student performance and test scores to immediately be a direct factor in any evaluation of a teacher’s professional status. If this is not a part of any education reform package, it is not reform.
Maintain options that give parents and children of Milwaukee a chance for a good education including lifting caps on school choice, ending the residency requirement for MPS teachers, modernizing student assessments and expanding the number of charter school opportunities.
###Follow the Scott Walker Press Office on Twitter: @scottwalkerhqFollow Scott Walker on Twitter: @scottkwalker
April 12, 2010
Wauwatosa – Scott Walker, Milwaukee County executive and candidate for governor, today released to the following statement after the announcement by Governor Doyle that he is putting forth yet another plan to address the failing Milwaukee Public Schools.“Without real standards of accountability for our teachers, we risk losing another generation of children in a broken school system. As father to two high school sons in public schools in Wauwatosa, I’ve seen the good work of teachers and administrators. I know that MPS has many highly dedicated professionals, and it’s time to reward the good teachers, instead of protecting those who are failing our kids.”
Any education reform proposals put forward should do the following:
Must be developed in conjunction with the community. Parental involvement in any reform is the key to success.
Allow student performance and test scores to immediately be a direct factor in any evaluation of a teacher’s professional status. If this is not a part of any education reform package, it is not reform.
Maintain options that give parents and children of Milwaukee a chance for a good education including lifting caps on school choice, ending the residency requirement for MPS teachers, modernizing student assessments and expanding the number of charter school opportunities.
###Follow the Scott Walker Press Office on Twitter: @scottwalkerhqFollow Scott Walker on Twitter: @scottkwalker
Peter Theron
For Immediate Release Contact: Peter Theron2010 April 12 phone: 608 257-9347
VAT trial balloon will lead to ballooning spending
Peter Theron, candidate for the Wisconsin 2nd Congressional District, took aim at an Obama-administration trial balloon suggesting enacting a value-added tax(VAT), ostensibly to pay down the deficit. Theron stated, "The money generated by a VAT would not go to reducing the deficit or paying down our debt. Whenever any level of government gets a new source of funding, spending levels are immediately increased. The result is always more spending, never deficit reduction."
"Looking to Europe, we see that VAT is a very effective way of crippling an economy. The VAT mechanism hides the amount of taxation in the price of goods. It transfers large amounts of revenue from the private sector to the government. This starves the private sector of income. Countries with VAT have chronic problems with unemployment." Theron continued.
"Our debt is so large and our entitlement programs are so expansive, that we cannot tax our way to solvency. The only way that we can return to a government that our grandchildren can afford is to reduce spending and reform entitlements. The sooner we start, the less painful the change will be." said Theron
If the Administration desires to increase revenue, the proven course is permanently extending the Republican income and capital-gains tax cuts now set to expire in January 2011. When they were enacted, these tax cuts promoted economic growth and tax revenue grew. If they expire, the higher rates will inhibit economic growth and tax revenue will shrink." concluded Theron.
Peter Theron’s website is:
VAT trial balloon will lead to ballooning spending
Peter Theron, candidate for the Wisconsin 2nd Congressional District, took aim at an Obama-administration trial balloon suggesting enacting a value-added tax(VAT), ostensibly to pay down the deficit. Theron stated, "The money generated by a VAT would not go to reducing the deficit or paying down our debt. Whenever any level of government gets a new source of funding, spending levels are immediately increased. The result is always more spending, never deficit reduction."
"Looking to Europe, we see that VAT is a very effective way of crippling an economy. The VAT mechanism hides the amount of taxation in the price of goods. It transfers large amounts of revenue from the private sector to the government. This starves the private sector of income. Countries with VAT have chronic problems with unemployment." Theron continued.
"Our debt is so large and our entitlement programs are so expansive, that we cannot tax our way to solvency. The only way that we can return to a government that our grandchildren can afford is to reduce spending and reform entitlements. The sooner we start, the less painful the change will be." said Theron
If the Administration desires to increase revenue, the proven course is permanently extending the Republican income and capital-gains tax cuts now set to expire in January 2011. When they were enacted, these tax cuts promoted economic growth and tax revenue grew. If they expire, the higher rates will inhibit economic growth and tax revenue will shrink." concluded Theron.
Peter Theron’s website is:
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