About Us

So sitting around one night watching Fox news and drinking wine we had a great idea. Lets create a blog. We have big ideas and even bigger opinions and wanted an outlet to voice those opinions.

Have you ever been so flooded by the media, friends and family opinions about  the candidates that you just don't know where to start? How do I find out if this is the correct candidate for me? Will this person be who I am looking for?  There are lots of choices, especially with this election cycle, and this blog is here to help. We will be looking at different offices and candidates across the United States and pick who we think is the best candidate based on the facts. Did this person really vote to raise taxes, did this person really do what he said he would, why should I vote for him over the other guy? These and many more are all questions that will be answered on this blog.

The offices we are concentrating on are Governor, LT Governor, US Senate and US Congress.

Note:  If you are a candidate and you would like our endorsement please contact us at therightchoiceblogger2@gmail.com
With your request please include your stand on the issues (this includes issues topical to your state), why you are running, and experience.